Naughty 80s Holiday Party
Naughty Girl hosted another amazing event for her Naughty Los Angeles group.
The theme was 80s Ugly Sweater Holiday Party. Guests were asked to dress up in sexy holiday attire and wear an ugly sweater to enter the contest.
After the contest, guests quickly took off their sweaters to reveal they have been naughty for the year!
When guests arrived, they were greeted by carolers singing outside.
Once inside Tito the Elf greeted them with spankings.
Everything throughout the house was decorated 80s style.
There was an arcade room with Miss PacMan and Donkey Kong vintage game machines.
Instead of Santa, there was the Grinch that guests could take photos with.
The living room was the Gremlin room where Gremlins were swinging off of chandeliers and the movie Gremlins was playing.
There was a hot chocolate station and speciality bar with one of our sexy bartenders.
Upstairs there was a bar from the movie "Cocktails" where a pretend Tom Cruise was dressed in all black and slinging drinks all night long for the guests.
There were even an burlesque performer doing her best Flashdance moves.
Guests were asked to wear Naughty Ugly Sweaters for the contest and they were asked to bring naughty gifts for the gift exchange.
If you've never been to one of Naughty Los Angeles parties, then you're missing out!
Check out photos below from our holiday party!

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