How To Decorate For an American Horror Story Hotel Party
It's important to pick your favorite characters from the tv show to have at your party. Whether you pay actual impersonators or get your guests to dress up, having characters will help go with your theme.

Decorate different rooms in your house like some of the rooms in AHS Hotel. Pick your favorites and make each room interactive to entertain your guests.

The best way to get your guests to stay longer and have fun, is by entertaining them.
Anyone can stay home and entertain themselves, your guests are making an effort to come to your party so make sure you entertain them.

You can decorate many ways for this look. It's a hotel so you can either decorate it in the 1920s when it was first built or just give it a hotel look.
For my party, I choose to do with a dark, sexy theme. Even though it was Halloween, I choose not to go with any Halloween decor.

My hotel theme was that the outside was a botanical garden that had overgrown into the hotel. So I had greenery throughout my house.

For the inside, I chose 1920s Art Deco decor since my house is already designed this way and went with red, gold, black colors for a dark, sexy look.

Story Line:
Make sure to have a story line for your hotel to help you decorate and so that your guests know what's going on.
As I mentioned I went with a 1920s Art Deco hotel with an overgrown botanical garden.
Once inside, you stepped into a hotel where you checked into the front desk with Iris working handing out hotel keys.

There was a stage with cafe chairs that had burlesque shows every 30 minutes.

Next to it was a dining room with appetizers.
The living room/kitchen was turned into a bar and lounge.
Upstairs was Room 69 where guests checked into their room and things got a little naughty.
The other two rooms: photo booth and fortune teller. All things to keep guests entertained.

My point of this, is that my hotel had a common theme where I designed my house as if you stepped into a hotel with lounge, bar, dining room, rooms and more.

Murder Mystery:
Just as in the TV show, there was a murder mystery.
Some guests love a murder mystery. For the others who aren't into it, there will be other things to entertain them.

Come up with a fun murder mystery before the party to go with your theme.
If you hire characters, even better to get them to be a part of it to make it more fun for the guests.
Then offer the winner a prize to see who can solve it first.

Costume Contest:
Every themed party should always have a costume contest as it gets your guests to dress up and get more into the theme to try and win.
For my event, I told everyone the theme to help them prepare for the party along with making a Pinterest folder of ideas for them.

They had the option to dress 1920s, botanical garden theme, dress as a character from the show, or be creative and work with all themes to come up with something.
You want to reward your guests for being creative.

Drinks & Food:
When coming up with drinks and food for the party, make sure they match the theme to go along with your story line as mentioned above.
I had four drink stations. One was champagne as it's always popular and went with the 20s theme.

As guests entered the hotel, they were greeted by Mr. March offering them absinthe since that was in the tv show.

There was a poison potion bar in the kitchen and a green botanical one for outside to go with the green garden theme.

For the food, I went with botanical themed cupcakes and fruit, cheese and cracker spread to go with the theme of it being a high-end hotel.
Remember to always keep everything fitting the theme so it tells a story to your guests.

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